Our Legacy Through the Lens

Every year, students of San Rafael High School’s Media Academy participate in a project called CAP (Community Action Project).  CAP is an opportunity for students to work with local non-profit organizations and collaborate with these community members to produce high quality promotional videos. Lifehouse worked with SRHS students Caitlin Chow, Jessa Josephson, Nick Besson, Kayla Wright, Jessica Hernandez, and Drew Cavaney to produce a video centered around the celebration of Lifehouse’s 65th Anniversay, focusing on the legacy of the organization and the ways Lifehouse has transformed the individuals we serve. The result - an impactful video that illustrates how Lifehouse is an intricate community full of joy, compassion, acceptance and empowerment. Through this project, the Media Academy students demonstrated that they are committed to becoming creative and contributing members of the world with an exceptional level of professionalism.

Mighty Expectations

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“We are all the same, regardless of our challenges because we all have them.”

– Lidia Que-Macedo, Parent

In August of 2018, after 65 years of service Lifehouse has come full circle by opening Great Expectations Inclusive Preschool. The preschool is a collaboration between Lifehouse, the Marin County Office of Education and Dominican University and is the first of its kind in Marin.

Here in a short film; filmmaker Chikara Motomura captures the young minds of Great Expectations students playing and learning together regardless of their differences. The benefits of this inclusive program can be seen through the compassion, creativity, and a healthy sense of curiosity that these young children of all abilities are developing. 

To learn more about Great Expectations Inclusive Preschool please visit www.greatexpectationsmarin.org .

Hiking with Team Lifehouse

The New Year is in full swing and Team Lifehouse is ready for the next big challenge- Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Well, at least virtually for now. Lifehouse employees and the people we support will track their steps and share them so that they can be added up every week and converted into miles that will “hike” the Pacific Crest Trail. To show our progress we have a big, beautiful map of the West Coast here at our office, kindly provided by Filice Insurance.

When do we start? January 14th.

Who can participate? All Lifehouse employees and all of the people we support.

What’s the PCT? The Pacific Crest Trail runs from the Mexican border all the way through California, Oregon, and Washignton to the Canadian border. It is 2,650 miles total and it’s beautiful.

How long will it take us? That depends on how many of us are participating. We will keep hiking until we reach 2,650 miles combined. It takes a single hiker about 5 months to hike the actual trail. We will keep you updated along the way.


We hope that you will follow along and support #teamlifehouse as we accomplish something amazing together!

A Season of Gratitude

Dear friends of Lifehouse,

Three hundred people with developmental disabilities call Lifehouse home. Many benefit from day services from other agencies throughout the Bay Area.

In the spirit of the holiday, we want to show our gratitude by acknowledging those agencies for the fine programs they provide to Lifehouse residents. Thank you for your collaboration in providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities in our community.

With Gratitude,

Nancy Dow Moody

President & CEO

A Yacht Club Holiday


Each year the Annual Holiday Yacht Party is hosted by the San Rafael Yacht Club, a tradition passed down by several Yacht Club members since 1982, this event is truly enjoyed by the individuals served by Lifehouse. The day starts with breakfast, then a cruise down the canal on members’ yachts. Everyone returns to the club for lunch and the highly anticipated visit from Santa and his Elf Assistant.

The relationship between the San Rafael Yacht Club and Lifehouse is one that spans over 35 years, and a community partnership that extends far beyond the holidays. Every year the Yacht Club opens its doors to support Lifehouse as a rehearsal space for the annual Great Chefs & Wineries performance. Lifehouse is grateful to the Yacht club for its continued generosity and hospitality.

And the Award goes to...

Last night at the Lifehouse 2018 Awards Banquet we hosted the outstanding businesses, individuals, and employees that make up the foundation of Lifehouse and our success. The room was filled with inspiration and gratitude as we celebrated these incredible honorees. We are so grateful for your support!

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A special THANK YOU to our sponsors!


A Swimming Success

On behalf of all of us at Lifehouse, Thank You for making the RCP Tiburon Mile a huge success! 

It was an honor to be chosen as this year’s benefiting charity, and given the opportunity to promote Lifehouse and the services we provide. We were able to fundraise almost $30,000, which will directly provide services to Lifehouse residents. 

We applaud all of the swimmers who braved the open water. Congratulations to elite Swimmers Ashley Twichell and Ferry Weertman for winning the female and male categories respectively. A special Thank you goes to the swimmers who represented Team Lifehouse. 


Last, but certainly not least Thank You to our sponsors. We are overwhelmed with gratitude by your generosity. 


Recycling with Sophia

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Meet Sophia- She is new to Lifehouse and is on a mission to recycle. As a part of Sophia’s specialized day program she is collecting recycling from the Lifehouse office and houses to raise money. With the proceeds, she and her roommates at Wilson House plan to have pizza parties, dinner outings or other fun activities.

Sofia enjoys recycling every step of the way, from carrying the bags, to going to the bank to cash the checks. This program is truly fulfilling for Sophia because it allows her to be active in the community. Her mission is to encourage everyone to help the environment by recycling.

Do you live in the Lifehouse community? Sophia would like to help you recycle too! She will bring a blue container to your house, and pick up the plastic recycling every other week. Once she has processed the a good amount of recycling recycled items, she will deliver the profits back to you.

Please let Olivia Vain, ovain@lifehouseagaency.org know if you would like to participate. Thank you for helping save the earth.