Meet Our New Quality Assurance (QA) Team
Lisa Ann Carbone, QA Specialist
With a robust staff development program in place, Lifehouse is now establishing an internal Quality Assurance (QA) Program this fiscal year to guarantee consistency, quality, and assurance that services are in accordance with program designs, contracts and Title 17 regulations. The program is to be headed by two QA Specialists, Lisa Ann Carbone and Claudia Silva, to accommodate our growing programs.
Claudia Silva, QA Specialist
The mission of the QA Team is to teach, assist, and support both our individuals that we support as well as our direct support staff.
In addition to QA Training, Lifehouse continues to provide comprehensive training for staff and weekly training on a variety of topics as part of employee orientation and enrichment. The Lifehouse Training Room in the new Lifehouse building, with flexible seating structures, will provide ample space for classes that will benefit our Lifehouse staff and established colleagues in the special needs community. We look forward to sharing Lifehouse’s expertise and experience to assist other organizations serving similar populations.
The new Lifehouse Training Room will be versatile and adaptive to a range of different applications to accommodate different training situations, from classroom to breakout style.
This feature and other happenings around Lifehouse can be found in our Annual Report and bi-annual Newsletters. To receive your copy in the mail subscribe here.